History of the roads
The history of Smuggling
Specific features of the roads
Genesis of the project
The 4 smuggling routes
The Orlogeur
The Bricotte
The Gabelous
The Colporteur
The treasure hunt
Preparing your trip
The map
Accommodation, Restaurants & Tours
Coming to the Franco-Swiss Doubs in the heart of the Jura mountains
History of the roads
The history of Smuggling
Specific features of the roads
Genesis of the project
The 4 smuggling routes
The Orlogeur
The Bricotte
The Gabelous
The Colporteur
The treasure hunt
Preparing your trip
The map
Accommodation, Restaurants & Tours
Coming to the Franco-Swiss Doubs in the heart of the Jura mountains
Office de tourisme du pays Horloger bureau de Maiche
Information points
See on the map
Open in your GPS
Contact details
16 rue du général de Gaulle, 25120 Maiche
03 81 64 11 88